Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May 11, 2009 Meeting Notes


President Renee Kimbrell opened the TCNA meeting with a call to order.

-Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Barbara Goins informed the membership that the account balance is $4434.03.
There were no disbursements from the previous account balance ($4095.03). There were deposits in the amount of $339.00 applied from new/renewal memberships and t-shirt sales.

-Blog Site---www.tcnabenbrook.blogspot.com
President Kimbrell informed the membership that the TCNA website is up and running.
Members can access this site for information on issues pertaining to the neighborhood, dates of upcoming meetings, minutes from past meetings, and other issues.

-Park Committee
There were no updates to report as of this meeting.

-Open Discussion-Various Issues
President Kimbrell brought up various ideas to the membership, events in which the TCNA could become involved such as Relay for Life, Trash Bash (September), Susan G Komen walk, a community garage sale.

Supporting the SOS (Save our Seniors) program at Western Hills, an after prom event, was suggested. Also suggested, distributing fliers to announce upcoming meetings to try to increase membership.

Ron Sauma, in an upcoming runoff on June 13th for Place 7, was in attendance, He suggested the TCNA might be interested in adopting a street or area in Timbercreek that would be maintained for cleanup. That would give the TCNA visibility as the city would put up a sign that the TCNA is maintaining that area.

-Compassion Code Program
Secretary Liz Dickason provided an article from the Fort Worth Star Telegram. This article highlighted the assistance that may be provided to residents who have city code violations, but are unable to comply due to physical or financial limitations. This article can be viewed on the new TCNA blog. www.tcnabenbrook.blogspot.com

The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.
The next meeting of the TCNA is tentatively scheduled for August 10th, 2009.

Minutes recorded by TCNA Secretary Liz Dickason

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