Sunday, December 20, 2009
Holiday Safety Crime Prevention Tips
from Officer Wes Cooper
*Shop before dark if possible and never park in an unlit area.
*Lock packages and gifts in your vehicle’s trunk. Keep them out of view.
*Avoid leaving packages in vehicle for an extended amount of time. Good guys go to stores to shop. Bad guys go to unattended cars to shop.
*Try not to carry large amounts of cash.
*To discourage purse-snatchers, don’t overburden yourself with packages and use a smaller purse.
*Teach children to go to a store clerk or security guard if they get lost.
*Don’t allow your children to go to the parking lot alone.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Update on Timbercreek Park Bridge
Walter Shumac, Public Services Director informed Renee Kimbrell on November 24, 2009 there is no set schedule yet due to multiple variables however his group will be working on the design over the next few of months and he would estimate the project to be complete by the summer (2010). As they move forward, Mr. Shumac will be able to firm up our time schedule.
November 9, 2009 - Meeting Minutes
President Renee Kimbrell opened the meeting with a call to order at 7PM.
* Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Barbara Goins read the Treasurer’s Report. The previous balance was $4,470.03. A disbursement of $75 for membership renewal in the City of Benbrook Chamber of Commerce, plus deposits of $40 for memberships, resulted in a current balance of $4,435.03. A motion to accept the report was presented, seconded, and then accepted unanimously.
* Guest Speaker
President Kimbrell introduced guest speaker Walter Shumac, Public Services Director, City of Benbrook.
Mr. Shumac stated the responsibilities of his department-public works, fleet maintenance, building maintenance, the parts department. There are 7 employees who maintain the parks. As of the Nov. 9th meeting, there were no plans for improvement to the Timbercreek Park due to economic reasons. The fiscal year runs from October to the end of September. The Park Board meets 2 or 3 times yearly and they make recommendations to city council. Citizens can make presentations of ideas to the park board. If the Park Board accepts a presented idea, they submit that to the city council for consideration.
The City Council meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday. Citizens can step up at any meeting and voice a concern. The Council will not respond, but the concern will be noted. Prior to a Council Council meeting, citizens can ask to put an issue on a City Council meeting agenda. They can contact the City Secretary, Joanna King who will provide the rules.
Regarding the Timbercreek Park Bridge, an idea discussed by TCNA members at previous meetings-engineering estimates done previously put the estimate at 70K to 80K. Abutments to stabilize each end are the major expense for such a project.
Mr. Shumac encouraged questions from the membership and Benbrook’s mosquito spray program was discussed. Spraying is kept to a minimum as some residents have concerns with spraying as a health issue. Spraying has been done twice in the past 3 years. If the City should receive a West Nile alert from the CDC, spraying would be initiated. One member suggested the city use Martins as an environmentally safe method. They eat approx. 2,000 mosquitoes daily. Mr. Shumac will research the use of Martins. He also advised residents to contact the city if there is an area with a standing water problem.
* Park Committee Update
Bob Dickason discussed the survey of the Timbercreek Park which was done on Trash Bash Day by members of the TCNA. The park is well maintained. Some ideas for consideration: a walking path, an area for basketball, a bridge to connect both areas of Timbercreek. Mr. Dickason passed out pamphlets of the Trinity Trails system. He has contacted Streams and Valleys, Inc. and suggested it would be of interest to have them as a guest speaker at a future TCNA meeting. The objective would be to discuss establishing a trail head to connect our park with the Trinity Trails system.
Mr. Shumac discussed Streams and Valleys and acknowledged that they were very good at partnering with cities. They are presently working with the City of Fort Worth at the Lakeside Drive area near the soccer field to create a walking path.
Vice-President Dunkin questioned whether a walking path in our Timbercreek Park could be done more reasonably using asphalt. Mr. Shumac expressed his preference for concrete which lasts longer and requires less maintenance. The 2 to 1 cost difference between asphalt and concrete no longer applies due to the rising cost of oil. The ratio is closer to 80 cents on the dollar making concrete a better option, in his opinion.
Mr. Shumac stated he will put forth the idea to the city that the TCNA is interested in a walking path in our neighborhood park. With regards to a basketball area, he expressed concerns with the problem of the nets being destroyed.
Vice-President Dunkin brought forth the issue of safety concerns in the park.
* Oncor Pruning
This issue was on the agenda due to notification by a Timbercreek resident regarding extensive damage done to trees on her property. Barbara Petroski presented pictures of tree trimming done by Oncor contractors which appeared to be 20 feet into her property, well beyond the 10 feet limit. Ms. Petroski stated that the tree trimming crew had no identification on their vehicles or on their person. President Kimbrell had worked with Ms. Petroski to get her concern to Andy Wayman, City Manager. Mr. Wayman contacted Oncor and resolution was still pending at the time of the TCNA meeting.
Mr. Smith also presented photos of tree damage done by an Oncor contractor tree trimming crew. Since Mr. Smith is a dog owner, he was also extremely concerned that the crew did not take care to close the gate to his yard. He contacted Oncor and was not satisfied with their response. President Kimbrell suggested he contact Benbrook City Manager Andy Wayman regarding his issue.
* Member Comments
Judy Cohen presented the idea of the TCNA making a holiday donation to a charity.
She made a motion, which was seconded. This received a unanimous vote of approval. The TCNA will provide a $100 donation to the Benbrook Police Dept. and a $100 donation to the Benbrook Fire Department for their respective charities.
VP Dunkin stated that the Fire Department is still taking canned food donations.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.
The next TCNA meeting is tentatively scheduled for February 2010.
Minutes recorded by TCNA Secretary Liz Dickason
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
TCNA Meeting November 9th @ 7pm
Next meeting Monday, November 9th
7PM-Senior Center-1010 Mercedes
Please mark your calendars for the next TCNA meeting which will be held on Monday, November 9th. We hope to see you there.
A recent concern voiced by one of our members may be an issue for other residents of Timbercreek. Please contact the City Manager, Andy Wayman,, if you have had any problems.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Heritage Festival - Saturday, 10/17/09
10:00 a.m. -7:00 p.m.
Dutch Branch Park Athletic Complex
1899 Winscott Road
Benbrook, Texas
Family fun-filled day of western-themed games and activities, historic demonstrations, dance performances and a country western concert featuring “Back At the Ranch.” New this year - A Taste of Mexico - a Mexican Village featuring authentic Mexican food, Latin dancers, and live Mexican music. Admission and most games/activities are free. Activities currently planned include a Native American Village, a Kiddy Korral play area, bounce houses, a miniature horse performance, an outlaw “jail”, arts & crafts vendors, entertainment and great festival food. For more information, contact Patty Bissey at 817 249-6087 or 817 249-3000.
National Night Out - Tuesday, 10/13/09
Thursday, August 20, 2009
August 10, 2009 - TCNA Meeting Mintues
President Renee Kimbrell opened the meeting with a call to order and introduced the guest speaker.
Guest Speaker-Wes Cooper-Crime Prevention Officer
Mr. Cooper was joined by Benbrook Officer Doug Byrd for a slide show presentation. Information such as crime prevention tips and citywide statistics were provided.
Crime rates in 2007 per 1,000 people affected by crime:
Benbrook -24
Fort Worth – 61
Tarrant County – 39
State Average – 46
Crime stats for the last 6 months averaged to approximately 10 crimes per month:
5 Burglaries, 2 Credit Card Abuses, 7 Thefts, 4 Burglaries of Motor Vehicles, 1 Theft of a Motor Vehicle, 38 Misc. Crimes such as drug possession, DWI, Harassment, Assault.
Prevention tips included:
Locking your car, even in your driveway.
Removing items from your vehicle that could be a temptation for thieves.
Create the impression you are at home when you leave your residence. Leave on a TV, radio. Home burglaries often occur during the daytime.
Do not let newspapers and mail accumulate while you are away.
Do not use your mailbox to mail bills which have your information. Take them directly to the post office.
Take pictures of your valuables, jewelry. This helps the detectives identify items if they are stolen. Detectives will check pawn shops looking for stolen goods.
Park close to the front of stores while shopping, keep children in eyesight, always lock your car doors while traveling, and be aware of your surroundings.
Do not carry your Social Security Card in your wallet; do not carry every credit card.
Call police for anything out of the ordinary in your neighborhood. Patrol cars average 100 miles per shift (3 shifts), but the eyes of the citizen are invaluable.
Benbrook police average 7 calls per shift-average response time-less than 2 min.
While on vacation, citizens can request a vacation check by the police department. They will patrol by your property, and when you return, you can request a report of the number of patrol checks which were completed.
There is a Citizens on Patrol program. Contact the Benbrook Police for information.
There are 22 sexual predators registered in the city. Due to city ordinances, registered offenders cannot move into many areas in our city, for example, those areas near schools and parks. However, offenders who lived in those areas before the ordinance passed, they are grandfathered in and can remain in residence.
The Fort Worth/Benbrook land swap was discussed. Pecan Valley is a Fort Worth park in the Benbrook city limits. Benbrook is basically land locked, and in order to grow, there are plans (not yet finalized) to swap Pecan Valley for land currently owned by Fort Worth. Secretary Liz Dickason brought up the issue of patrol of the Pecan Valley Park area, which is currently done by Benbrook. Guest speaker Wes Cooper confirmed that patrol would be turned over to Fort Worth if that deal is finalized.
This was an interactive discussion, and members were encouraged to ask questions during the presentation.
President Kimbrell thanked the guest speakers at the conclusion of their presentation. She advised the membership to visit the TCNA blogspot where there are links to valuable information such as crime stats, Benbrook city information, and other nearby HOA.
Treasurer’s Report
Secretary Liz Dickason read the report as submitted by Treasurer Barbara Goins.
The previous balance of $4,434.03, plus $36 in new memberships from the May 11th meeting, resulted in a current account balance of $4,470.03.
Water Barrel Conservation
District Captain Judy Cohen advised the members on cost of water barrels for lawn watering, and the option to make your own. Some nearby cities have offered classes on how to make these barrels and the membership showed interest in having a demonstration at some future time. Judy Cohen’s article can be viewed on the TCNA blogspot in the archive 2009 section.
Benbrook Post Office
President Kimbrell notified the membership that, as of this meeting, our local post office is not included in the list of potential closings. This had been a concern of some residents.
Park Committee
Park Committee member Bob Dickason presented the Timbercreek Park Action Plan (attached). The TCNA has been interested in ideas to improve our park. Saturday, September 12th at 10AM is the date set for a walk through the park to discuss options. TCNA members are encouraged to meet at the park on that date.
Open Discussion-Charitable Donation
The membership expressed interest in donating $100 to charity on behalf of the TCNA.
President Kimbrell will research and select a cause for donation. The membership voted to allow President Kimbrell to select a cause and donate before the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.
The next meeting of the TCNA is tentatively scheduled for November 9, 2009.Minutes recorded by TCNA Secretary Liz Dickason
August 10, 2009 Park Committee Action Plan
1. Determine the City’s present development plan and operating budget for the Park. Report back to TCNA at the next scheduled meeting.
Action By:
2. Develop and submit to the TCNA a prioritized development Plan. Report back to the TCNA at the next scheduled meeting.
Meet at the Park on Saturday, September 19 at 8:30am in conjunction with Trash Bash.
Discuss desired development to submit to TCNA for consideration and subsequent submission to the City:
Dog Park
Walking Path
Pedestrian bridge across Timber Creek
Bike Path to connect to FT Worth Clear Fork Trail
Public garden plots
Senior area
Picnic table/benches
Athletic facilities
Sign for the Park
Name for the Park
3. TCNA board review recommendations and establish priorities.
4. TCNA solicit budgets for priority items.
5. TCNA submit priorities and budgets to City for consideration.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Trash Bash - September 19, 2009
Trash Bash is an annual cleanup event where local volunteers join together to pick up litter and debris from Benbrook Lake and park areas. Trash bags and gloves provided.
Saturday, September 19, 2009 8:30AM-11:30AM
Contact Renee Kimbrell, or 817-680-4772 if you are interested in cleaning up the TimberCreek Park from 8:30am to 10:30 am.
We can head over to Dutch Branch Park Athletic Complex(East parking lot near concession stand) by 11:00 amd for Free Hot Dog Lunch provided to all volunteers at 11:00AM.
Free T-Shirts, Giveaways, and FUN DOOR PRIZES!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
TCNA Meeting August 10
1) Call to order/ Welcome Renee Kimbrell
2) Treasurer’s Report Barbara Goins
3) Guest Speaker Wes Cooper, Crime Prevention Offiecer
4) Benbrook PostOffice Renee Kimbrell
5) Blogspot Usage Renee Kimbrell
6) Park Committee Update Bob Dickason
7) Member Comments/Feedback
8) Next Meeting November 9, 2009
9) Adjourn
Benbrook Post Office on Closure List?
UPDATE August 5: I accessd the Postal Regulatory Commission Website ( and found the following on the possible closure list as of July 30, 2009
Southwest Dallas Irving Downtown IRVING TX
Southwest Dallas Oaklawn DALLAS TX
Southwest Dallas Old Town Lewisville LEWISVILLE TX
Southwest Fort Worth CITYVIEW FT WORTH TX
Southwest Fort Worth FREEDOM LUBBOCK TX
Southwest Fort Worth GLENCREST FT WORTH TX
Southwest Fort Worth RIVERSIDE FT WORTH TX
Southwest Fort Worth SOUTHEAST FT WORTH TX
Southwest Fort Worth WEDGWOOD FT WORTH TX
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Rain Barrells by Judy Cohen

-Water nearby plants using the attached hose
-Attach a soaker hose for continuous slow watering of nearby plants
-Carry water by the bucket to plants farther away.
-Wash dirty feet prior to entering the house.
-Flush the toilet when BWA has the water turned off to fix a water main leak.
Rain barrels come in a variety of shapes and colors. Lots of information is available on line. Where can you get rain barrels locally? Check Benbrook’s Tractor Supply and Elliot’s Hardware in Dallas.
Select this link for general rain barrel information and how-to’s:
Select this link for directions on making your own barrels. If choosing this route, please make sure neighborhood kids and critters can’t fall in the top opening. One of my barrels is similar to those pictured on this website. I cut whole in the lid and stretched a double layer of window screen over the opening.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
May 11, 2009 Meeting Notes
President Renee Kimbrell opened the TCNA meeting with a call to order.
-Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Barbara Goins informed the membership that the account balance is $4434.03.
There were no disbursements from the previous account balance ($4095.03). There were deposits in the amount of $339.00 applied from new/renewal memberships and t-shirt sales.
President Kimbrell informed the membership that the TCNA website is up and running.
Members can access this site for information on issues pertaining to the neighborhood, dates of upcoming meetings, minutes from past meetings, and other issues.
-Park Committee
There were no updates to report as of this meeting.
-Open Discussion-Various Issues
President Kimbrell brought up various ideas to the membership, events in which the TCNA could become involved such as Relay for Life, Trash Bash (September), Susan G Komen walk, a community garage sale.
Supporting the SOS (Save our Seniors) program at Western Hills, an after prom event, was suggested. Also suggested, distributing fliers to announce upcoming meetings to try to increase membership.
Ron Sauma, in an upcoming runoff on June 13th for Place 7, was in attendance, He suggested the TCNA might be interested in adopting a street or area in Timbercreek that would be maintained for cleanup. That would give the TCNA visibility as the city would put up a sign that the TCNA is maintaining that area.
-Compassion Code Program
Secretary Liz Dickason provided an article from the Fort Worth Star Telegram. This article highlighted the assistance that may be provided to residents who have city code violations, but are unable to comply due to physical or financial limitations. This article can be viewed on the new TCNA blog.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.
The next meeting of the TCNA is tentatively scheduled for August 10th, 2009.
Minutes recorded by TCNA Secretary Liz Dickason
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Run-off Election for City Council Place 7
Compassion Based Code Compliance Article
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Meet the Candidate Night, April 20, 2009
Jerry Dittrich, present mayor started. Hoping to be mayor another 2 years. He is a veterinarian. He works 6 days a week in Arlington. Jerry introduced his wife Christine and his mother who has moved into their guest house. She is 91 years old. He has 4 children, 3 grandchildren – all who live here except a daughter going to college. He has lived here about 30 years.
Keith Bailey is recuperating at home from surgery.
Charlie Anderson, City councilman Place 2. Spent 6 years EDC (Economic Development Committee), 5 of which he was president. He worked with city council to reduce taxes. He has an open-door policy. He thanked everyone for coming out.
Dan Tully, councilman Place 5. He has been on council for 2 years. He was vice-president on EDC before becoming councilman. Married for 33 years. They have 1 son, 2 grandkids. He has lived in Timbercreek and now resides in Westpark. 4 basic things: FW ISD, Economic Development, Benbrook Blvd and parks. We need to continue that our students get best education possible. Economic Deveoplment he is very proud of.
Jim Wilson running for councilman Place 5. Retired from Air Force. Success is only possible with communication. He does not agree EDC has been open. They have been an embarrassment. Compliancy is not OK. As a council member he will always respect you as a citizen.
Pamela Brandenberg, councilman Place 7. She is an attorney. Her husband is an attorney. They have 2 children. She has been on council previously. She is on the Y board of management. She has lived in Benbrook 27 years. She helped bring about the library, a lifetime member of PTA. We have an excellent city staff. We have a bare bones staff. Need social services even with our tight budget. Revenues must increase each year: tax rate or the tax base (the value of your property). Keep our houses in good repair to keep prices from falling.
Vernon Gatlin, councilman Place 7. (running). I LOVE BENBROOK. He is from Waco, Dallas, Arlington, and Benbrook. He lives in Country Day Estates. He wants your vote because he wants to serve. He feels he can make a difference. Gatlin real estate, a building he has several tenants in, and (another business which I didn’t catch). He wants to be part of the growth of Benbrook.
Ron Sauma, councilman Place 7. He is seeking re-election Place 7. He has held since 2001. Married for 47 years. They have 2 children, 2 grandchildren. He is a Korean War Vet. Over 10,000 volunteer hours in Benbrook. Since 2001 they have lowered property tax rate.
Julie Bakke, Library board. She has been a member since 2004. Her husband works at Lockheed. She has 2 daughters. She is passionate with the library. All you have to do is request a book and they can get it from Fort Worth. They have book clubs, summer reading times. She is up for election and welcomes the chance to speak about the library.
Roy “Corky” Baird. Running for the Library board. He was appointed in 96, elected in 97. He is investment officer for the Library Board. He volunteers twice a week at the library. He and his wife Pat has lived here 15 years. He is semi-retired with a moderate interest in computer business.
Robert Christensen, current member of the Board since August of last year. He has lived here 20 years. He lived in Timbercreek and now in Westpark. He has been at Lockheed for 22 years. The computers are widely used. He grew up in Austin.
Alicia Hunter running for the Library Board. She has lived here 30 years. Siblings: 3 boys, 2 girls. Her dad retired from Carswell. She lives on Wandering Way in Westpark. If you start with the children early. She is not married. She thinks the Library Board has done an outstanding job with computers, electronic media, etc. The internet is not cheap and not everyone has a computer has home.
Ron Fessenden, running for mayor. Widening of the highways, sidewalks, more access for elderly and young.
QUESTION: Chester Bochenko, 903 Keller, Benbrook. When he first moved here they had no super-highway. Terrible. Driving 377 South, to Mercedes, made a left hand turn. Cars were going 60 plus going South.
ANSWER: Mayor answered. Speed limit is state mandated. We can make requests to TX DOT but they have the final say. Mercedes is patrolled very well.
QUESTION: Why can’t you the elected officials ensure the speed laws of Benbrook. Ron: What is the special interest group you mentioned?
ANSWER: Ron Sauma – he was member of COP S and whenever they received a complaint they turned it over to the police. The special interest group was sister cities.
QUESTION: Vince Brown. City passed a ban for smoking, why wouldn’t they ban the sale of smoking.
ANSWER: Mayor would support a ban. Ron Fessenden would support ban of selling tobacco products. Charlie Anderson would not say Yes or No. Dan Tully – likes the idea of smoking ban. Too many legal questions to answer. It would hurt a lot of businesses. Jim Wilson – He does not smoke, has never smoked. Smoking ban is good for public places. He hopes it goes state-wide. He would not support selling tobacco in the city. Pamela Brandenberg – would not support. Vernon Gatlin – he despises smoke. He is a reformed smoker. Does not support the ban on sale of tobacco. If we don’t buy it here they will go across the street and buy it. Ron Sauma – No.
QUESTION: Mike Kimbrell– Timbercreek. Question for place 7. What would you bring to the council – directed to Vern Gatlin. Skills. He has 20 experience insurance business. Previously was a blue collar business.
QUESTION: Jess Jordan. President SBHA. What do you guys do to give better communication to homeowners.
ANSWER: Jim Wilson. He is running because he knows they need better communication. Put out articles, inform our citizens, he has been going door-to-door.
ANSWER: Pamela Brandenberg, already you can call city hall and to look at the agenda to be put on an email list and get an agenda.
ANSWER: Vernon Gatlin – He is current vice-chair of his homeowners association. His office is on Mercedes.
ANSWER: Jerry Dittrich – They try to have representation are all areas when they have quarterly meetings.
ANSWER: Dan Tully – create another web site. They are listed in the phone book also. You can sign up on the website and get every update there is.
ANSWER: Charlie Anderson – He does not like to get on the computer to see when the next meeting is. He would like to see that every week they publish it weekly in the Benbrook News.
ANSWER: Ron Sauma – He is shocked if no one has his phone number: 817-244-2051. He is on the website and flyers.
QUESTION: Rick Whitehurst – Have bicycle lanes – he was going down Mercedes, waiting to turn right. 5 bikes passed him. Enforce the laws for the bike riders.
ANSWER: Jerry Dittrich – police know how to enforce the laws. To all council members.
QUESTION: Vince Brown – Voted in to freeze property tax. Is the city council willing to freeze money to senior center, etc.
ANSWER: Jerry Dittrich – He would not support freezing anything for senior citizens. Ron Pessenden – No. Charlie Anderson – No. Dan Tully – No. It doesn’t make any sense. Jim Wilson – No. Pamela Brandenberg – she did not support the property tax freeze. Would not freeze any amenities in the city. Vernon Gatlin – No. Ron Sauma – 2003 citizens voted over-whelming to pass the senior and disabled tax freeze. City has not raised taxes since then. He would not support the seniors from enjoying the building.
QUESTION: Joan Chew– Pamela Brandenberg – should taxes be raised again? Her taxes have not been lowered. Jerry Dittrich – if our property values did not go up, we would be paying less dollars. Our property values are going up.
QUESTION: Rick Whitehurt – froze taxes for the seniors. Cannot take it off income tax.
ANSWER: Ron Sauma – contains debt for drainage, storm water. It has always been in the budget. Have no control over TAD. (Whitehurt) as you froze taxes that are tax deductible – now we pay a storm water fee which are not deductible. (Sauma) Strongly suggest writing your state Legislature.
QUESTION: Reinstate sister city program.
ANSWER: Mrs. Brandenberg – council rebuffed the sister city program. She would not ask another city to partner with us.
QUESTION: For all: have talked about taxes, homeowners, etc. One way to raise taxes is with commercials – going to have WalMart – then homeowners wouldn’t have to commercial here in Benbrook?
ANSWER: Ron Sauma – they are going to build a supercenter. Another big name to buy the land. When Wal-Mart comes in 2 years. Vernon Gatlin – remembers the town center project. We are getting a million a year from Wal-Mart – the other one is Lowes.
Pamela Brandenberg – she agrees getting more commercial. They will start building as early as 2011. Will need 3 police officers just for that. Jim Wilson – this development is done for you. He has not seen a progress report showing goals. Lack of communication. Dan Tully – Cass Edwards passed away. Charlie Anderson – Edwards and Opus couldn’t get together. The EDC is working hard to revamp communications. Ron
Fessenden –smaller businesses fall in the crack for larger business. Jerry Dittrich – Good planning – White Settlement didn’t do the planning as they don’t have the citizens to support it.
QUESTION: Samantha Spence – lived in Benbrook 40 yrs. It took 5 years minimum for Wal-Mart to come. How each incumbent feels about junk cars, etc. Are you happy?
ANSWER: Jerry Dittrich – we are going to enforce code compliance. Ron Pessenden – not happy. Private property is not being enforced. Charlie Anderson – No – but with new plans being put in and willing to go forth to take care of it – it will change. Grass that grows too high can be a fire hazard. Dan Tully – civil side – the elderly people to help them with volunteers. There is a warrant for the others. Jim Wilson – Everyone can call in and report – COPS can call in and report. Pamela Brandenberg – aging housing – when you see a problem call in to city hall and report it. When you see the property has been cleaned up – call them and thank them. Vernon Gatlin – Has not been happy. Good things on horizon. Ron Sauma – 1/3 of phone calls involve junk cars. Has been issued citations, the City is going to crack down. Call in and the city will enforce the law.
Kate Moore /Jess Jordan – asked for volunteers to help the elderly ( SBHA). You can call us we will help.
QUESTION: Shirley Green –gave an opinion only.
QUESTION: Mark Kimbrell – if he calls and complains about his neighbor will his neighbor know? Is backyard included? Ron Sauma – city does not look in your back yard – if you take photos and send in to city hall. Jerry Dittrich – code compliance works under state law. If it’s a public health problem they could look in the back yard.
Kate Moore – had a neighbor composting in the back yard – had rat infestation – neighbors called and it was taken care of.
Joan Chew – Does your neighbor have tall grass, can you call city to come out and look?
Kate Moore started with Alicia Hunter – running for Library Board. Wants to be part of it.
Robert Christensen – it’s all free for everyone.
Ron Baird – we get ½ % of all retail sales. They draw up their own budget. Comfortable with a reasonable income.
Julie Bakke – Served 4-1/2 years and it has been a pleasure.
Ron Sauma – thanked everyone for coming. After 8 years you can’t say it in 3 minutes. 2001 – he has been a member of 4 PAWS – 2007 passed a registered sex offense ordinance (2000 ft from any child friendly area off limits).
Vernon Gatlin - #1 spot on ballot. Imperative that revenues don’t drive the expenditures. City has been very prudent.
Pamela Brandenberg – open government. We have a right to know what is going on at all times. Mr. Sauma - some issue that was illegal – city attorney had to be called in – all council members had training for open meeting law. I don’t operate on rumor – Mr. Sauma has let us down.
Jim Wilson – running against Dan Tully. He is running for issues: communication, respect for tax dollars, EDC is not informing you on issues. We need to respect every tax dollar. website. Go vote. Dan Tully – EDC has spent a lot of money for these big guys to be here. He has served 2-1/2 years on city council .
Charlie Anderson – Has a lovely wife Karen, 4 children, 4 grandchildren. Came 22 years ago. Has no one running against him. One vote and he is in. Do your American duty and vote. Every tax dollar will be spent on the majority of citizens. Did not benefit any special interest group. When you are taxing people – tell them it is a tax.
Ron Fessenden – has a cell phone for you guys – it’s not for him. He wants to make himself more available.
Jerry Dittrich - Thank you for coming. When money comes in for waste water it goes for waste water. It is not a hidden tax. This is when our country is at a low – but our city is not in bad shape. Have 7 million in reserve. Things are real good. He is going to watch over our tax dollars. We are totally blessed to live here. We meet tomorrow night.
Dennis Lindgren – it’s a storm water fee – not waste water fee.
Meeting adjourned 9:10 pm. Minutes submitted by Linda Conner
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
2009 Board Members
President---Renee Kimbrell 1836 Timberline Drive 680-4772
Vice President---Pat Dunkin 1628 Timber Ct 249-0459
Treasurer---Barbara Goins 1721 Timberline Dr 249-4462
Secretary---Liz Dickason 1816 High Ridge 249-6556
District Captains:
# 1—Marilyn Kepner
#2—John Whitaker
# 3—Pam O’Bannon 249-5272
# 4-Tony Merriweather 1433 Timberline Dr 249-4063
# 5—Bob Dickason 1816 High Ridge 249-6556
#6—Robert Calloway 1709 Edgehill 249-3529
# 7—Jillian Coleman
# 8—Judy Cohen
# 9—Melinda Brown 1305 Augusta
#10—Skye Lindgron 1409 Birar Run 680-3494
# 11—Anne Baldwin 1817 Prince
Thursday, February 19, 2009
President Renee Kimbrell opened the TCNA meeting.
-Treasurer’s Report
VP Pat Dunkin read the Treasurer’s report in lieu of the absence of Treasurer Goins.
The account balance was recorded as $4095.03.
-New Members
President Kimbrell welcomed new members of the association. Membership forms were made available for new members and for existing members to renew.
VP Dunkin discussed e-mail addresses and the need to inform the board if that info needs to be updated in the TCNA records.
-Nomination and Election of Board Positions Voted Upon in Odd Years
Vice President-Pat Dunkin’s position was unchallenged-she was nominated by membership and accepted to serve 2 more years.
Secretary-Liz Dickason’s position was unchallenged-she was nominated by membership and accepted to serve 2 more years.
The following Captain positions were voted upon and approved by membership:
District 1-Marilyn Kepner
District 3-Pam O’Bannon
District 5-Bob Dickason
District 7-Jillian Coleman
District 9-Melinda Brown
District 11-Anne Baldwin
District 8 (open)-Judy Cohen
-Gas Drilling
President Kimbrell announced that there has been no output yet from our gas sites.
Everyone should have received their tax forms from the gas lease, and those forms should say “rent” and should be filed on taxes as rent. Forms received for “royalties” would be filed as such in the future.
-TCNA donations to Benbrook Police and Fire
President Kimbrell announced that, on behalf of the TCNA, she and Treasurer Barbara Goins presented checks (Nov. 2008) in the amount of $100 to both the Benbrook Police and Benbrook Fire Department for their charities. This issue had been approved by membership at the last TCNA meeting November 10, 2008.
-TCNA Blog
President Kimbrell discussed the blog site and asked for assistance from anyone who wants to work with her on development. Anyone wishing to assist should contact President Renee Kimbrell.
-TCNA T-Shirts
Secretary Liz Dickason announced that association t-shirts are still available for purchase.
-Timbercreek Entry Marker-Open Discussion
The new entry marker has been erected by the City.
-VP Pat Dunkin clarified the reason the City of Benbrook paid for our neighborhood marker. The original marker was destroyed some years back when the city did road and culvert work into Timbercreek. The Timbercreek sign was never replaced once the work was completed and the city felt that it was their responsibility to replace what had been removed.
-Some issues presented by membership:possible installation of solar lights to shine on the marker and landscaping around the marker.
-Timbercreek Park Improvements-Open Discussion
The issue of getting an improvement plan for our park and then having it presented to the city was brought forward by District 8 Captain Bob Dickason.
Member suggestions: “In Memory of” benches (Judy Cohen-District 8)
Walk Bridge to connect district 1 and 2 over to the city park (Marilyn Kepner-District 1)
A walk path was suggested. A dog park was suggested, but did not seem to be a possibility due to the maintenance issue and also the liability issue for the city.
-Park Committee
President Kimbrell suggested the TCNA nominate a group to form a park committee.
Nominated, voted by membership, and approved for committed were:
Bob Dickason, Marilyn Kepner, Carlton O’Bannon, Pat Dunkin
This group will meet, come up with ideas, and present those at a later date to the TCNA.
It was suggested that the committee can talk to the city about solar lights for the sign.
-Economic Development -President Kimbrell
Home Depot is apparently not coming, but Walmart may be here in 2011 or 2012.
City plans to widen Highway 377-Walmart may be after that. Traffic problems (getting off 820 onto 377) were discussed-President Kimbrell informed that is an issue for Dept. of Transportation. The City of Ft. Worth is not expanding Dirk’s Road past Bryant Irvin.
-Miscellaneous Items-President Kimbrell
--City of Benbrook web site has information for all residents.
“Get Fit Benbrook” is in progress-call the city if web access is a problem. The Y will waive fees for Benbrook residents who join for the “Get Fit Benbrook” program.
--4 Paws Treasure Sale-3rd Saturday in April-Antique Mall Parking Lot. Contact Pat Dunkin if you have items to donate (no clothes).
--Environmental Center at I30 & Bridge St. Benbrook residents can drop off batteries, paint, etc. Show residency by water bill.
The meeting adjourned at 8PM.
The next meeting of the TCNA is tentatively scheduled for May 11th, 2009.Minutes recorded by TCNA Secretary Liz Di