Thursday, February 25, 2010

Minutes from February 22, 2010 Meeting


President Renee Kimbrell opened the meeting with a call to order at 7:05 PM

• Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Barbara Goins read the Statement of Account. A previous account balance of $4435.03, less disbursements of $100 to the Benbrook Police Officers Assoc. and $100 to the Benbrook Firefighters Assoc., resulted in a current balance of $4235.03. Those disbursements had been approved at the previous meeting and supported the charitable causes of both the Police and Fire Departments during the Christmas season.

• Membership Renewals
President Kimbrell encouraged attendees to renew or join the TCNA for 2010. Membership forms were available and Treasurer Goins collected membership fees.

• Election of President and Treasurer
These positions were up for election per the TCNA By-Laws. President Kimbrell announced that she will not be returning to that position. Jeff White volunteered to fill the position of President. He was then nominated, seconded, and unanimously voted as President of the TCNA. Outgoing President Kimbrell and incoming President White agreed that Ms.Kimbrell would continue to preside over the evening’s meeting.

Treasurer Barbara Goins volunteered to continue in her position of Treasurer. There were no other volunteers for this position. She was nominated, seconded, and then unanimously voted to continue as Treasurer.

• District Captains
Districts 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 were up for election per the TCNA By-Laws. The district captains elected previously for these districts were not in attendance. Bill Bozarth volunteered for position of District 2 Captain. He was nominated, seconded, and unanimously voted for District 2. There were no volunteers to fill districts 4, 6, 8, and 10. Outgoing President Kimbrell requested that Secretary Dickason e-mail the previously elected captains of those districts to inquire whether they are interested in continuing their positions.

• Pedestrian Bridge in Timbercreek Park--Timbercreek Sign
Outgoing President Kimbrell advised that Walter Shumac, Benbrook Public Services Director, has stated that the pedestrian bridge in the Timbercreek Park is on track and should be completed by summer. This bridge is being financed by the city.

The K on the Timbercreek entry sign has been stolen and replaced twice by the city. The K on the Timbercreek sign has been replaced by the city for the third time.

The meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM. The next meeting has not yet been set.
Minutes recorded by TCNA Secretary-Liz Dickason