Monday, November 30, 2009

Update on Timbercreek Park Bridge

If you have not heard, the City Council approved funding for a pedestrian bridge for the Timbercreek Park at the Nov 19th meeting. The estimated cost is $80,000. This will be funded from the Park Dedication Fund ($30,800) and the City General fund ($49,200). You can view the online discussion at the city of benbrook website, city council meetings.

Walter Shumac, Public Services Director informed Renee Kimbrell on November 24, 2009 there is no set schedule yet due to multiple variables however his group will be working on the design over the next few of months and he would estimate the project to be complete by the summer (2010). As they move forward, Mr. Shumac will be able to firm up our time schedule.

November 9, 2009 - Meeting Minutes


President Renee Kimbrell opened the meeting with a call to order at 7PM.

* Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Barbara Goins read the Treasurer’s Report. The previous balance was $4,470.03. A disbursement of $75 for membership renewal in the City of Benbrook Chamber of Commerce, plus deposits of $40 for memberships, resulted in a current balance of $4,435.03. A motion to accept the report was presented, seconded, and then accepted unanimously.

* Guest Speaker
President Kimbrell introduced guest speaker Walter Shumac, Public Services Director, City of Benbrook.
Mr. Shumac stated the responsibilities of his department-public works, fleet maintenance, building maintenance, the parts department. There are 7 employees who maintain the parks. As of the Nov. 9th meeting, there were no plans for improvement to the Timbercreek Park due to economic reasons. The fiscal year runs from October to the end of September. The Park Board meets 2 or 3 times yearly and they make recommendations to city council. Citizens can make presentations of ideas to the park board. If the Park Board accepts a presented idea, they submit that to the city council for consideration.

The City Council meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday. Citizens can step up at any meeting and voice a concern. The Council will not respond, but the concern will be noted. Prior to a Council Council meeting, citizens can ask to put an issue on a City Council meeting agenda. They can contact the City Secretary, Joanna King who will provide the rules.

Regarding the Timbercreek Park Bridge, an idea discussed by TCNA members at previous meetings-engineering estimates done previously put the estimate at 70K to 80K. Abutments to stabilize each end are the major expense for such a project.

Mr. Shumac encouraged questions from the membership and Benbrook’s mosquito spray program was discussed. Spraying is kept to a minimum as some residents have concerns with spraying as a health issue. Spraying has been done twice in the past 3 years. If the City should receive a West Nile alert from the CDC, spraying would be initiated. One member suggested the city use Martins as an environmentally safe method. They eat approx. 2,000 mosquitoes daily. Mr. Shumac will research the use of Martins. He also advised residents to contact the city if there is an area with a standing water problem.

* Park Committee Update
Bob Dickason discussed the survey of the Timbercreek Park which was done on Trash Bash Day by members of the TCNA. The park is well maintained. Some ideas for consideration: a walking path, an area for basketball, a bridge to connect both areas of Timbercreek. Mr. Dickason passed out pamphlets of the Trinity Trails system. He has contacted Streams and Valleys, Inc. and suggested it would be of interest to have them as a guest speaker at a future TCNA meeting. The objective would be to discuss establishing a trail head to connect our park with the Trinity Trails system.

Mr. Shumac discussed Streams and Valleys and acknowledged that they were very good at partnering with cities. They are presently working with the City of Fort Worth at the Lakeside Drive area near the soccer field to create a walking path.

Vice-President Dunkin questioned whether a walking path in our Timbercreek Park could be done more reasonably using asphalt. Mr. Shumac expressed his preference for concrete which lasts longer and requires less maintenance. The 2 to 1 cost difference between asphalt and concrete no longer applies due to the rising cost of oil. The ratio is closer to 80 cents on the dollar making concrete a better option, in his opinion.

Mr. Shumac stated he will put forth the idea to the city that the TCNA is interested in a walking path in our neighborhood park. With regards to a basketball area, he expressed concerns with the problem of the nets being destroyed.

Vice-President Dunkin brought forth the issue of safety concerns in the park.

* Oncor Pruning
This issue was on the agenda due to notification by a Timbercreek resident regarding extensive damage done to trees on her property. Barbara Petroski presented pictures of tree trimming done by Oncor contractors which appeared to be 20 feet into her property, well beyond the 10 feet limit. Ms. Petroski stated that the tree trimming crew had no identification on their vehicles or on their person. President Kimbrell had worked with Ms. Petroski to get her concern to Andy Wayman, City Manager. Mr. Wayman contacted Oncor and resolution was still pending at the time of the TCNA meeting.

Mr. Smith also presented photos of tree damage done by an Oncor contractor tree trimming crew. Since Mr. Smith is a dog owner, he was also extremely concerned that the crew did not take care to close the gate to his yard. He contacted Oncor and was not satisfied with their response. President Kimbrell suggested he contact Benbrook City Manager Andy Wayman regarding his issue.

* Member Comments
Judy Cohen presented the idea of the TCNA making a holiday donation to a charity.
She made a motion, which was seconded. This received a unanimous vote of approval. The TCNA will provide a $100 donation to the Benbrook Police Dept. and a $100 donation to the Benbrook Fire Department for their respective charities.

VP Dunkin stated that the Fire Department is still taking canned food donations.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.
The next TCNA meeting is tentatively scheduled for February 2010.
Minutes recorded by TCNA Secretary Liz Dickason